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A tour of the property investment marketplace

6 Sep 2023 - Comment

At LandlordInvest we’re very proud of our technology and the user experience (UX) that we offer lenders. We’ve been making constant improvements to the features, appearance and performance of our platform since the first release in 2017. Regular readers of this blog will have seen numerous updates about improvements over the years.

Today we’ll be providing a guided tour of our investment platform, so potential lenders who have yet to sign up can easily take a look for themselves.

Below we’ll show the platform as it would be seen by a lender who has already signed up and completed the onboarding process.


Loan Marketplace

The Loan Marketplace is perhaps the page that lenders will be most interested in, it is the page where they will discover new investment opportunities. The main page provides a list of all potential and currently active loans. Our entire history of repaid loans is also available. These loans can be filtered by Bridging, Buy to let, and Development.

From this page, you can click through to read each loan listing in full. Every listing provides an overview of key information such as loan amount, rate, term, and LTV along with an in-depth description of the borrower(s), the particulars of the loan (such as its purpose and structure), and the security property. Any relevant documents, such as valuations or development progress reports, are available to download from this page.

Each listing also has an Updates tab where we keep lenders updated about everything from initial pre-completion status to repayment.

Lenders may use the Q&A tab to ask us a question about any loan. Answered questions are available for all lenders to read along with our responses.

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Monitoring & Updates

With our Status page it’s easy to get an overview of the status of all currently active loans. You can sort the loans by their start/expected maturity date, loan amount, rate, LTV/LTGDV and risk type.

The marketplace Updates page provides another way to view the loan updates, lender questions, and question responses, mentioned in the description of loan listings above.

This resource makes it easy to find a loan by searching part of a loan title or selecting a loan from the list, and can be combined with a filter of which type of update you are looking for.

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Secondary Market

The Secondary Market offers lenders the opportunity to list an existing investment for sale. If another lender wishes to buy that loan part, they can access their capital prior to maturity.

A lender may list all or part of their existing investment. The lender can allow a ‘partial sale’, enabling their listing to be purchased by multiple other lenders in increments of £100 or more. Additionally, the lender may choose to offer the loan part for sale at a discount.

Our platform makes it easy for potential buyers to understand what is on offer, and how much interest is scheduled to be paid on a given loan part up until maturity.

Prior to buying a loan part on the Secondary Market some lenders may wish to examine previous sales relating to a given loan and this is simple and clear on our platform.

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My Investments

The My Investments section of the platform provides lenders with an overview of each of their investments, including loans pending completion, active loans, loans previously sold on the Secondary Market, and loans that have been repaid.

The table is sortable and can be expanded to a full-width ‘Advanced view’ with more columns. All the information in My Investments can be downloaded in a single Excel file and details of active investments can be downloaded as a PDF statement.

On the My Investments settings page, lenders may opt to have their interest payments automatically withdrawn and sent to their nominated bank account.

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Account management

Our platform dashboard gives a quick overview of the current state of a lender’s account, including:

  • Available cash
  • Committed investments (the amount committed in the brief time between a loan becoming fully funded and completion)
  • Outstanding principal
  • The interest currently scheduled to be paid for all investments
  • The total interest received to date

This information can be downloaded in a PDF at any time.

Help icons are present throughout the platform offering explanations of terms.

Email preferences are granular with options to receive emails about new loans, and notifications when platform actions take place. Secondary Market emails can be instant or sent in an hourly or daily digest.

Deposits are as simple as entering the amount and making a free bank transfer.


And once lenders have provided their withdrawal bank details, they just need to enter the amount they wish to withdraw.

To help lenders keep their account secure we offer Two Factor Authentication (2FA) and emails to notify them every time a login is made from a new IP address.

Our Activity section will feel familiar to anyone who has used online banking before. The Transactions page tracks every movement of funds in and out of, and within the platform. You can filter this table and download all historic transactions as an Excel file.

The Statement page offers an alternative view of the same information to help with lenders’ personal reporting. It displays totals of transaction types relevant for reporting (such as Self Assessment) between two dates and can be downloaded as a PDF statement.

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Innovative Finance ISA

Lenders who open an Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) have access to an extra page to manage their account. The current and previous year’s subscriptions are shown along with - as LandlordInvest’s IFISA is flexible - any replaceable amount. Lenders can also download PDF statements for every year they’ve held the IFISA.

View more information about investing with LandlordInvest and our IFISA.

Our blogs are for information purposes only. This content is not financial, legal or tax advice. Should you require any advice in relation to the earnings you make from LandlordInvest we recommend seeking independent professional advice. Links to other sites are provided for your convenience but LandlordInvest accepts no responsibility or liability for the content of those sites or of any external site. The information in this blog is correct at the time of posting.

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Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose money. This is a high-risk investment. You may not be able to access your money easily and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

LandlordInvest Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (FRN 660926). LandlordInvest Limited is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Loans provided to borrowers through LandlordInvest are provided solely for business purposes. Loans are therefore not regulated by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or the Consumer Credit Act 1974. You should seek independent legal advice if you are in any doubt as to the consequences of the loan not being a regulated agreement under those Acts.

LandlordInvest Limited (Company No. 09245725), registered office 330 High Holborn, London, WC2A 1HL

© 2025 LandlordInvest Limited. All rights reserved.